Punjab National Bank (PNB) uncovered on Wednesday that it identified fake exchanges worth Rs 11, 000 crore in a south Mumbai corporate branch, including firms advanced by diamond setter Nirav Modi. Modi has not remarked looking into it up until this point but rather his lead Firestar Diamond has said it had no contribution for the situation. On January 29, CBI booked Modi, his better half Ami Modi, sibling Nishal Modi and his maternal uncle Mehul Choksi in an asserted Rs 280-crore tricking case following up on a PNB objection. Nonetheless, after finding that the aggregate "unapproved exchanges" by Modi's organizations were worth $1,771.7 million, the state-claimed bank documented another objection with the CBI on February 13. Naturally introduced to a Gujarati family, Modi established Firestar Diamond and has a blasting retail business crosswise over best urban areas of the world including Delhi, Mumbai, New York, London, Hong Kong and Macau. In 2015, the introduction...