Akanksha Sharma Bio: Akanksha Sharma has recorded an instance of abusive behavior at home against cricketer Yuvraj Singh, his sibling Zorawar Singh and mother Shabnam Singh. Sharma, who wedded Yuvraj's more youthful sibling Zorawar in 2014, expressed a year ago that through the course of her marriage, she encountered both overwhelming physical and mental injury from her in-laws.
As indicated by Sharma, she was compelled to do pointless assignments, was taboo to collaborate with pariahs, censured for each word and move and had her own things analyzed by her relative. To this and that's only the tip of the iceberg, she suggests, her better half Zorawar and his sibling, praised cricketer Yuvraj Singh did nothing to stop the abuse and actually, did their bit to add to it.
As indicated by Sharma, she was compelled to do pointless assignments, was taboo to collaborate with pariahs, censured for each word and move and had her own things analyzed by her relative. To this and that's only the tip of the iceberg, she suggests, her better half Zorawar and his sibling, praised cricketer Yuvraj Singh did nothing to stop the abuse and actually, did their bit to add to it.
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