The story turns around a delightful young woman Pankti Sharma (Jannat Zubair Rahmani) and Ahaan Dhanrajgir (Ritvik Arora), an attractive kind-hearted craftsman. Ahaan starts to look all starry peered toward at Pankti at first sight. In any case, life doesn't have all the earmarks of being definitely not hard to them.
Pankti 's mother Anita Sharma (Gauri Pradhan Tejwani) is a failed performing craftsman of her chance and has no money to fullfill her wants. She is a self-obsaessed woman that can do anything for money. So she offers her own particular young lady Pankti to the rich and heartless man Jayant Dhanrajgir (Rahil Azam) a.k.a J.D, remembering the true objective to continue with an extravagant life, convincing her daughter to wind up evidently a puppet of J.D, a manipulative man who torments Pankti and makes her life a loathsome ordeal.
He controls her in every ways and never lets her to go out. Ahaan, who happens to be J.D's nephew, appears in Pankti's presence with a desire to expel her from the hellfire and impact her dreams to work out. The show focuses on the dispute between J.D. also, Ahaan.
Credited: Tu Aashiqui Actress Real Name
Pankti 's mother Anita Sharma (Gauri Pradhan Tejwani) is a failed performing craftsman of her chance and has no money to fullfill her wants. She is a self-obsaessed woman that can do anything for money. So she offers her own particular young lady Pankti to the rich and heartless man Jayant Dhanrajgir (Rahil Azam) a.k.a J.D, remembering the true objective to continue with an extravagant life, convincing her daughter to wind up evidently a puppet of J.D, a manipulative man who torments Pankti and makes her life a loathsome ordeal.
He controls her in every ways and never lets her to go out. Ahaan, who happens to be J.D's nephew, appears in Pankti's presence with a desire to expel her from the hellfire and impact her dreams to work out. The show focuses on the dispute between J.D. also, Ahaan.
Credited: Tu Aashiqui Actress Real Name
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